Dec 5

Written by: Rahul
12/5/2011 1:34 PM

Some bacteria play a vital role in human health, while some others have a equally negative impact. Probiotic organisms are like microscopic defenders which protect your body from invading organisms. From the gae old Dahi to the latest OTC range from Yakult probiotics ahve come a long way.

The normal human gastrointestinal tract is home to more than 400 diverse species of bacteria and organisms. These bugs are useful, producing essential vitamins and nutrients essential for normal life.

When anti biotics enters the system, it starts destroying all living microorganisms as it cannot make out the good from the bad, causing the primary infection to improve but leading to diarrhoea.

Not all patients suffer loose motions, some have "gas", others may just complain of loose motions. Had these patients been prescribed probiotics like lacto-bacillus, bifidobacter etc, simultaneously, they would not have had to go through all this trouble.

More so since frequent and long term usage of anti biotics can result in vitamin and nutritional deficiencies, blunted immunological responses and even hormonal dysfunction.

Probiotics have other functions as well, breaking down food for digestion, producing lactase enzyme (helps in digesting milk sugar), producing vitamins in intestine and changing acidic environment for harmful bacteria.

Although there are many packaged products available but some home remedies work just as well. Curd rice, khimchi, green pickles and miso soup are just some of them.

So next time, before popping the antibiotics make sure you have taken care of probiotics as well.


2 comments so far...

Re: Taking antibiotics, don't forget to take probiotics

This is really useful and I like the term "Pro-biotics". Although mankind has known through the centuries about the ingredients and items for probiotics yet it was never really given a proper medical term.

By Aditya Sabita on   8/24/2012 11:49 AM

Re: Taking antibiotics, don't forget to take probiotics

good information.please spread this info

By lrkumar on   8/24/2012 11:50 AM

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