Mr Rakesh Chopra (Age 61), from Pitampura, Delhi had been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Stage 5 and his Urea level was 124 and Creatinine had been shooting up (rising from 8.74 to 11). He was advised to go for a kidney transplant as soon as possible & that is where the problem started. His blood group was A+ and no one in his family who could be a potential donor had the same blood group.
After running from pillar to post for over three months, Mr Chopra got to know about the swap transplant registry being run at Ask4healthcare.
He shared his details alongwith the details of his wife (Age 59, Blood group B+) with the registry. On receiving his information, our team immediately looked into all possible options that we could get, keeping in mind the donor's age, their respective blood groups and their geographic locations.
Within 15 days, we found a perfect match with Mr S K Gupta (Blood group B+, Age 60), who was also looking for a kidney transplant and the donor was his wife who had a A+ blood group.
Once we received an approval from both the families, we got them to meet with the transplant team at Fortis Gurgaon and Dr Saurabh Pokhriyal (Director Nephrology and Renal Transplant) and his team Dr Salil Jain and Dr Vishal Saxena undertook the surgery to make a successful Kidney Transplant - Saving two lives and families.
Mrs Gupta donated her kidney for Mr Chopra and Mrs Chopra donated hers for Mr Gupta - a perfect swap with matching blood groups.
L-R: Dr Vishal Saxena (Senior Consultant, Nephrology & Renal Transplant); Ms Trilly Rachel Mathew (Transplant co-ordinator); Mr S K Gupta (Patient 1); Mr Rakesh Chopra (Patient 2); Dr Salil Jain (Senior Consultant, Nephrology & Renal Transplant) and Dr Saurabh Pokhriyal (Director, Nephrology & Renal Transplant)
Over 95% of patients awaiting a donor, die for want of a matching donor:
Over ?5,00,000? patients are waiting for a matching donor for transplants but only 5,000 cadaver transplants (organ from an appropriate deceased donor -brain death) are accomplished. Out of these 5 lakhs atleast 30% (i.e over 150,000) patients are stuck despite having a donor available from the family due to unmatched blood groups of the donor and the patient. Most of such cases are for a liver or a kidney transplant.
Ask4healthcare - Swap Transplant Registry - A Ray of Hope
A solution is available for such patients: Swap Transplant. Under this, one family donates the organs to another family and in return gets the same organ with a matching blood group from the other family. This match can be between two or even three such families. And this process is legally permissible in the country.
“It is a God-send of an initiative which can go a long way in saving the lives of hundreds of such patients,” says Dr Saurabh Pokhriyal,Director, Nephrology & Renal Transplant at Fortis Memorial Research Institute....who conducted one such successful swap transplant