Nov 25

Written by: Rahul
11/25/2011 5:24 PM

The growth of non cancerous tumours in the womb, uterine fibroids, affects one in five women. Till now the only option was surgical intervention. But now doctors say there are new techniques like MRI guided high intensity ultrasound beam, available, which are used to burn the fibroids and treat the ailment without any surgery.

The treatment takes two to three hours as compared to up to three days of hospitalization for surgery. Many women delay the treatment precisey due to this reason, which further aggravates the problem and as a result the only option left is complete uterus removal.

Apollo Hospital is now starting special clinic to treat the same. Uterine fibroids are benign tumours in the uterus, mostly affecting women in the child bearing age group. It causes heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods, pelvic pressure or pain, frequent urination and backache or leg pain.

Dr Harsh Rastogi, radiologist at the hospital mentions that the MRI HIFU technique can complete the procedure in just two to three hours and the only risks include burns in the focus area, but that can be controlled.

During the procedure real time MRI images are processed online, enabling the radiologist to precisely target , optimise and modify beam dosage. However if the tumour is not destroyed completely there are chances of its reoccurence.


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