Nov 22

Written by: rashmi
11/22/2010 6:40 PM


There have been lot of advancements in the field of Assisted Reproduction, the new techniques bringing a ray of hope for infertile couples. The latest technique, using IVF (In-vitro Fertilization) along with PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic diagnosis) now offers a chance to couples who are suffering or are carriers of genetic diseases. It helps to detect whether the embryo is carrying the defective gene or not, before implantation. In the standard IVF cycle, number of embryos are produced. A minute portion of the embryo is then tested for any genetic or chromosomal defect. After screening, a healthy embryo can then be selected, giving a chance to the couple to have a baby free of inherited disorder. It has proved helpful in diseases of genetic origin like thalassemia, haemophilia, etc; or when the mother’s age is more than 35 yrs and chances of Down’s syndrome are high. PGD has also proved helpful in  couples suffering from repeated miscarriages, which can be because of chromosomal aberrations.
Till now, the means to diagnose a genetic problem in an unborn child was through Chorion biopsy or Amniocentesis. These are done after the pregnancy has progressed for a few weeks. In case of abnormality, the decision for undergoing abortion proves to be very traumatic for the couple, both physically and psychologically.
A recent case has been reported from Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, where a woman suffering from infertility due to a rare genetic disorder, Robertsonian Translocation, has delivered a healthy baby with the help of this technique. It is available at various other centres like Lilavati Hospital and Dr.Malpani’s Clinic in Mumbai.


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