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Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects one or more organs such as skin, eyes, liver etc., but most commonly affects the lungs and lymph glands. As a result of the inflammation, abnormal lumps or nodules of tissues (called granulomas) form in one or more organs of the body. These granulomas may change the normal structure and possibly the function of the affected organ(s). Sarcoidosis is most common in adults between 20 and 40 years of age. It`s more common in women than in men. It is not contagious i.e you cannot catch it from another infected person.


  • • Fever, Weight loss, Fatigue, Night sweats

In addition, there are symptoms depending on parts of the body that are affected.


Lungs – Shortness of breath, cough or chest pain.
Skin - rashes or nodules (small bumps on the skin).
Eyes - dry eyes or watery eyes, vision problems rarely causing blindness.
Liver - enlarged liver, cirrhosis.
Nervous system - muscle weakness or paralysis, seizures, tremors, poor coordination, hearing loss or problems walking.
Heart – abnormal heart beat or congestive heart failure.
Bones - pain, swelling and joint stiffness. The hands and feet are most often affected.
Kidneys - kidney stones.


The exact cause of sarcoidosis is not known, but is believed to be caused by an abnormal immune response by body`s own defence mechanism against a harmful foreign substance such as a virus or bacteria. In a person with sarcoidosis, cells that come to fight end up clumping together into small lumps called granulomas.

The disease can appear suddenly and then disappear, or it can develop gradually and produce symptoms that come and go for a lifetime.

Close blood relatives of patients of sarcoidosis are nearly five times as likely to develop the condition.


- Physical examination
- X-ray
- Biopsy
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levels in blood
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Liver function test


In more than 50% of cases no treatment is required.

Medicines called corticosteroids are used to treat sarcoidosis. The duration of treatment depends the severity of illness and the response to the medication.

In severe case, immunosuppressive medicines may be needed.

In rare cases, some persons with very severe heart or lung damage (end-stage disease) may need a Lung transplant or Heart transplant.

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Interstitial lung disease
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Need expert advice on treatment of SARCOIDOSIS. Pls help.
Details of Treatment and Development made with patient In January 1998- Surge...
Female 53 , Shimoga


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Need expert advice on treatment of SARCOIDOSIS. Pls help.
Details of Treatment and Development made with patient In January 1998- Surge...
Female 53 , Shimoga


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Want to Consult the best doctor for Granuloma treatment in Vellore.
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I am suffering from sarcoidosis, looking for a Neurologist
I am suffering from sarcoidosis.I would like to consult suitable doctor for my ...
Female 48 , Delhi


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Treatment for sarcoidosis
treatment for sarcoidosis,lungs are affected with it and constipation. ...
Male 40 , Meerut


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