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Gestational diabetes is a is a condition in which a woman without diabetes develops high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

In such cases, blood sugar usually returns to normal soon after delivery. Gestational diabetes usually develops in the second half of pregnency or third trimester (between 24 to 28 weeks) and usually disappears after the baby is born.

However, women who develop gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, but not necessarily.

Diabetes Gestational


Gestational diabetes usually has no obvious symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they can include:

  • • unusual thirst
  • • excessive urination
  • • tiredness
  • • feeling more hungry and eating more
  • • thrush (yeast infections)


During pregnancy, the placenta makes hormones that can lead to a buildup of glucose in blood.
Usually, the pancreas can make enough insulin to handle that. If not, the blood sugar levels rise and can cause gestational diabetes.

You are at risk? If:
Have a family history of diabetes
Have had gestational diabetes before
Have high blood pressure or blood sugar in borderline.


- Clinical evaluation between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy.
- Blood sugar test - Fasting and PP (Postprandial - mostly 2 hours after meals).
- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT).


It is important to keep a check on blood glucose - is to be kept as close to normal as possible, during the full term of pregnancy.
High blood glucose levels can affect the baby before birth, later as a child and even as an adult.

It`s essential to monitor and control blood sugar to keep the baby healthy and avoid complications during pregnancy and delivery.

The treatment strategies may include:
• Monitoring blood sugar
• Healthy diet
• Regular Exercise
• Medication
• Close monitoring of baby growth

Your treating Doctor will track how much is the weight gain and whether he / she needs to prescribe insulin or any other medicine for controlling the blood sugar levels.

You may also like to learn about:

Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes mellitus

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