Best Surgeon For DUCT ECTASIA in ALWAR

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Top Doctors from GENERAL SURGERY DEPARTMENT associated with various hospitals in  ALWAR
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Latest Activity

Having Blocked mammary duct.... What should I do?
Blocked duct.... Am a mom of 6months old girl baby... I initially had sore nipp...
Female 30 , Chennai


1 Day Ago

Need best advice for duct ectasia problem.
I have been diagnosed with duct ectasia and seeing on and off nipple discharge ...
Female 32 , Delhi


20 Mins Ago

I am an unmarried female, having discharge from both breasts, kindly advise treatment
HI, Iam 27 yrs old Unmarried Female.I was getting yellow coloured discharge fr...
Female 27 , Jammu


20 Mins Ago

Which doctor treat Duct Ectasia in Guwahati?
information about the Doctors who treated Duct Ectasia...
Female 28 , Silchar


2 Day Ago

What do you advise for my sister suffering from duct ectasia?
My sister was suffering with nipple discharge and pain. she was initially diagn...
Female 38 , Visakhapatnam


1 Day Ago