Gallstones are pebbles / stone-like objects that get created in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Gallstones can vary in sizes from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a ball.
The gallbladder is not an essential organ as in it can be removed. It stores bile made in the liver which helps in digestion of fats. The most common type of gallbladder disease is gallstones.
The disease starts as small crystals and slowly grow into stones.

That may be seen in varying severity are -
- - Pain in upper right side of abdomen/centre of abdomen/between shoulder blades
- - Infection in gall bladder (Cholecystitis)
- - Tenderness in the area
- - Fever
- - Jaundice
Some patients may have `silent gallstones`
Risk factors : Obesity, diets heavy in fried foods and dairy products, increasing age, prolonged use of medications containing female hormones, and heredity.
Include :
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Abdominal CT scan
- Liver function tests
Surgery :-
- Cholecystectomy Laparoscopic
- Cholecystectomy Open
- Lithotripsy
- ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography ), if stones are in bile duct
Medication :-
If a patient is unable to undergo surgery, drugs to dissolve the gallstones may be given. But these are not very effective.
You may also like to learn about:
Bile duct disease
Bile duct obstruction
Gallbladder polyps
Gall Bladder cancer