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New Post 5/23/2013 9:44 AM
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Seaweed Used to Lose Weight 
Modified By Rahul  on 7/27/2013 7:05:36 PM)
Hello Friends,

If you're looking for a safe, simple way to increase your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and lose weight. Weight loss studies suggest that using seaweed or seaweed supplements can help you burn fat. (See references.) It may not be long until a real anti-obesity pill is developed from brown seaweed. And in the meantime, you can use seaweed as part of your well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and still lose weight.
Seaweed is rich in minerals that are just not found in high enough quantities in our food, yet they are all necessary for optimum health and metabolic efficiency. Authors Seibin and Teruko Arasaki list seaweed among "the vegetables of the sea," which is the name of their book. They report that "All of the minerals required by human beings, including calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, and zinc are present in sufficient amounts. In addition, there are many trace elements in seaweeds." You can get every important vitamin from these "vegetables" from the sea, too, including Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Also, B1, B2, B6 and niacin, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, folic acid and even trace amounts of vitamin B12 are all present, which rarely occurs in land vegetables.

Thanks and Regards,
Milon Jones
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