Best Orthopaedician For SPONDYLITIS in PONDICHERRY

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Latest Activity

Suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis - suggest me the best treatment.
I have AS for the past 10 years. There is not much pain if I continue my exerci...
Male 69 , Chandigarh


33 Mins Ago

Plz help me out with the best treatment of ankylosing spondylitis.
My brother is suffering with ankylosing spondylitis. He is taking medicines but...
Male 40 , Lucknow


32 Mins Ago

kindly suggest a good rheumatologist at Patna.
kindly suggest a good rheumatologist who having specilization in treating ankyl...
Male 34 , Patna


26 Mins Ago

Do you have any treatment solution for spondylitis?
My mother is suffering from spondylitis. She is not able to stand even not able...
Female 45 , Bihar Sharif


2 Day Ago

Suffering from spondylitis, pls advise me medication.
I am 65 year old. My problem is spandilytes. I am not to good way to walking an...
Female 65 , Dhanbad


1 Day Ago