For THROAT DISORDERS in Gujarat Colony, Pavd Road, Vanaz Corner, Khotrud, Pune,PUNE

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Best Doctors from E.N.T (EAR, NOSE AND THROAT) DEPARTMENT in   Gujarat Colony, Pavd Road, Vanaz Corner, Khotrud, Pune, PUNE
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Latest Activity

Need appointment for thorax surgery in India.
Im previous petient of Dr. Birla Roy from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He suggested me fo...
Female 39 ,


37 Mins Ago

Need to Consult the best doctor for Throat lump treatment in Mumbai.
i have lump in throat please guide me which doctor needs to be shown...
Female 29 , Mumbai


35 Mins Ago

Please advice me good ENT specialist in Bangalore
Please advice me good ENT specialist in Bangalore near to marathahalli, BTM, Ja...
Male 29 , Bangalore


26 Mins Ago

I have undergone a surgery for growth in throat, still not cured completely, pl advise
I have undergone a surgery for additional flesh growth in my throat and after m...
Male 43 , Chennai


1 Day Ago

Looking for a good ENT specialist in indore
A good ENT specialist in indore with international exposure for a throat proble...
Male 47 , Indore


25 Mins Ago