Best Haematologist For ANEMIA APLASTIC in NAGPUR

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Aplastic anemia (AA) is a rare disease that occurs because the bone marrow is not making sufficient blood cells. Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue in the center of bones. The bone marrow produces three type of blood cells:

  • • Red cells: The blood cells that carry the oxygen to all parts of the body.
  • • White cells: The blood cells which fight infections.
  • • Platelets: cells which help in blood clotting.

These blood cells do not last very long and therefore the bone marrow stem cells keep dividing to make enough blood. Patients with Aplastic Anemia do not have enough stem cells in their bone marrow to secure normal blood production.

Aplastic anemia


  • • Fatigue.
  • • Lightheadedness or fainting.
  • • Shortness of breath and rapid heart rate with exertion.
  • • Pale skin and lips.
  • • Rash--small pinpoint red marks on the skin.
  • • Easy bruising and bleeding.
  • • Nosebleeds and bleeding gums.
  • • Prolonged bleeding from cuts.
  • • Sore mouth.


In 50% of cases (idiopathic aplastic anemia) no known cause can be identified.

In others some risk factors that can injure marrow include:
- Radiation and chemotherapy treatment for cancer. These treatments used to kill cancer cells also damage other cells.
- Exposure to toxic chemicals used in some pesticides and insecticides.
- Some medications, such as those used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and some antibiotics.
- Autoimmune disorders in which your immune system begins attacking your own body cells.
- Viral infections can affect bone marrow.
- Pregnancy


- CBC (Complete blood count)
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Bone marrow biopsy


Depending upon the severity of disease, it can be:

- Only observation in mild cases.
- Blood transfusions.
- Medications - When anemia is from an autoimmune disorder, medications may be used to suppress the immune system. Medications are also available to stimulate marrow to make more blood cells.
- Bone marrow transplant - This is a procedure where healthy marrow from a donor is given to the person with aplastic anemia.

You may also like to learn about:

Anemia Hemolytic
Anemia Iron deficiency

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