For VESICO-URETERIC REFLUX in Ansari nagar , New Delhi,DELHI

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Need treatment of VUR at Mumbai.
I Have PUV and VUR GR 5.LT UVJ obstruct. 2 times ureteric reimplant failed. Pls...
Male 16 , Kalyan


1 Day Ago

Suggest me treatment for my son suffering from VUR grade3.
Mera 3 yrs children ka urinary reflux grade 3 hai..... Ùsg, CT scan pe bilitera...
Male 3 , Sibsagar


1 Day Ago

Need advice for VUR treatment at Kolkata or Chennai.
my baby age 1 year and 2 month, reimplant of right ureter is done but after 5 m...
Female 1 , Kharagpur


1 Day Ago

Need suggestion for MCU (micturating cysto-urethrogram) test for my son in Ludhiana
Sir My son got UTI in 2006 and was diagonised with VU reflux-IV, left hypoplast...
Male 34 , Faridabad


23 Mins Ago

Pls suggest treatment for primary VUR at Delhi.
My son is 2 yrs old. His father is pediatrician posted at BMCH West Bengal. My ...
Male 2 , Burdwan


2 Day Ago