For DIASTASIS RECTI in Viratnagar Road, Oclav , Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

Doctors who treat DIASTASIS RECTI or similar ailments belong to following departments:
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Best Doctors from GENERAL SURGERY DEPARTMENT in   Viratnagar Road, Oclav , Ahmedabad, AHMEDABAD
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Can I correct Diastasis recti through physiotherapy?
Got a 5cm gap after second issue and vaginally delivered. Can I correct it thro...
Female 35 , Coimbatore


2 Day Ago

Suggest best Physio for Diastasis Recti in Bangalore.
Can you suggest best Physio for Diastasis Recti in Bangalore..?...
Female 30 , Bangalore


35 Mins Ago

Please suggest the best doctor in Ahmedabad for the treatment of diastasis recti and umbilical hernia.
I am a 37 yr old lady having 2 kids. My second baby is 2 and half yrs old. I ha...
Female 36 , Ahmedabad


2 Day Ago

Where should I get my diastasis recti repaired?
Hi. Who is the best surgeon in India to repair diastatis recti. I have 2 kids c...
Female 37 , Bhubaneswar


2 Day Ago

Suggest best surgeon for diastasis recti correction surgery at Coimbatore.
I have diastasis recti after two caesareans and now my belly is huge...I am a p...
Female 29 , Coimbatore


22 Mins Ago