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  Forum  Discussions  Opthalmology - ...  Dryness of eyes
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New Post 5/6/2010 2:23 AM
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Dryness of eyes 

My mother, who is 63 yrs old, complains of burning in the eyes and they are often red. Our family doctor said she is suffering from “Dry Eyes”. What does that mean? What should be done to bring relief to her?


New Post 5/7/2010 2:12 AM
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Re: Dryness of eyes 

Healthy eyes are normally covered by fluid — a tear film which prevents dry eyes and allows the eyes to maintain clear, comfortable vision. Decreased production of fluids from the tear glands or an imbalance in the substances that make up the tear film can cause dry eyes.

Some people don't produce enough tears to keep their eyes comfortably lubricated especially people older than 40. Eyelid problems, medications and other causes, such as environmental factors, also can lead to dry eyes. The medical term for this condition is keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Dry eyes are also associated with some medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, Sjogren's syndrome and vitamin A deficiency. The environmental conditions that have a drying effect, such as sun, wind, high altitude, a dry climate, hot blowing air can aggravate the problem. In addition, tasks that require intense visual concentration such as working at a computer, driving or reading tend to decrease  blink rate, thereby increasing tear evaporation. If left untreated, severe dry eyes may lead to eye inflammation, infection and scarring on the surface of the cornea.

Artificial tears or lubricating drops are generally prescribed to provide relief. Also take a few precautions so that the problem does not increase:

·         Avoid air blow to the eyes. Don't direct hair dryers, car heaters, air conditioners or fans toward the eyes.

·         Wear glasses on windy days and goggles while swimming.

·         Add moisture to the air through a humidifier if indoor air is dry.

·         Avoid rubbing the eyes.

·         Remember to blink. Consciously blinking repeatedly helps spread your own tears more evenly. When performing tasks that require intense visual concentration, take occasional breaks - adding up to about five minutes each hour - and rest the eyes by closing the lids for several seconds. Follow this by consciously increasing the blink rate.

·         Avoid smoke.


New Post 2/22/2013 4:55 PM
54 posts
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Re: Dryness of eyes 
I am also suffered from this my grandmother had one solution on that put 1 drop of milk in her eyes twice in a day.
She will feel relief...
New Post 6/17/2013 12:41 PM
  Advanced Eye Hospital
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Re: Dryness of eyes 
Modified By Rahul  on 8/16/2013 4:34:25 PM)
Dry eyes are a common problem especially among the elderly. As rightly explained, there are a number of precautions one can take on a personal level apart from lubricating eye drops.
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