Mar 6

Written by: Rahul
3/6/2012 1:05 PM

Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. Routine medical checkups and health screenings are a responsible way to prevent grave diseases such as cancer, heart conditions, many lifestyle diseases, and so on.

Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances for living a longer, healthier life. To help you decide which health screenings are needed, here's our list of the top 10 health screenings that will help you prevent any disease onset in time.



Blood pressure. This is to check for Hypertension, which is as common as a cough and cold nowadays; blame it on the stressful lives we all lead or the unhealthy lifestyles we've grown accustomed to.We recommend to get it checked once every few months if your Blood pressure reading has come above 130/85. A blood pressure checkup helps in keeping the risk for heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney damage in check.

ECG (Electrocardiogram). You should go for an electrocardiogram every 2-3 years, especially, if you do not lead a physically active life. Go for one more often if your body shows symptoms like sweatiness, fatigue, anxiousness and chest pains. An electrocardiogram will help rule out an angina, any blockages or any other cardiovascular troubles.

Diabetes. Everyone above 45 years of age should get this test done regularly. If you come in the high risk zone or strong family history, then you should start at age 30. A blood or a urine test for blood sugar will tell you whether you suffer from
diabetes or not. One should go for a diabetes test once every 2-3 years, however if you have high blood sugar problem from birth, then it is a must to go for a diabetes checkup once every 6 months.

Mammogram. This test is to detect signs of Breast cancer, which is the one of the most common form of cancer in women. If you have witnessed any changes in your breast tissue (lump, hard knot or thickening inside the breast or underarm area; swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast; change in the size or shape of the breast), then this test must be done immediately. If not, then all women above the age of 35 should get a mammogram done once in 1-2 years depending on their risk factor and family history. This will help in detecting Breast cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable.

Pap Smear Test. These tests help in detecting cancerous and pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. This is a must do test for women who have crossed 40 in order to keep their cervical changes under check. Changes in cervix cells can cause cervical cancer or possible-related conditions, it is then that the importance of a pap smear test is highlighted. It is a must-do test, especially for women who are sexually active (especially those having multiple partners or who smoke).

Prostate screening. Prostate- specific antigen is a component released into a man's blood by his prostate gland. The release of this component tends to increase with age, thus increasing the chances of prostate cancer in men. Thus, an annual PSA test is a must-do test for men who have crossed 60. A prostate exam helps in making sure that there are no abnormalities. This test must be performed once every 2 years for early detection of cancer and other possible issues.

Lipid Profile Test. A lipid profiling test helps in identifying the
cholesterol levels of a person and keeps the general overall vascular health under check. It helps in identifying 'bad' low density lipoprotein, which helps in cholesterol screening. This test should be done once every 3 years. More often if total or LDL ("bad") cholesterol is high, HDL ("good") is low, and/or you have risk factor.

Eye test. It is a must to go for an
eye check up once in every 2 years, after you cross 30. An eye checkup determines whether you need prescribed glasses or not. Besides, it also helps in keeping eye health conditions at bay.

Dental checkups. A visit to the dentist must be made once every 6 months to ensure the safety of your teeth. Important for everyone, a dental checkup is a must for senior citizens. A dental checkup including cleaning will help to keep your gums and teeth healthy as well as detect any early problems such as gum disease, oral cancer and cavities.





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