Best Podiatrist for Eswt (Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy) procedure in Dhanbad

Doctors conducting ESWT (EXTRA CORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY) belong to following departments: PODIATRY
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Need advice for ESWT for Plantar Fasciitis.
Respected Sir, I have Plantar Fasciitis in my left foot from last 5 months. I ...
Female 51 , Bangalore
01 21 Mins Ago
Need shockwave therapy in Mumbai for Plantar Fascitis.
I need to know about steroid injections and shockwave therapy in Mumbai.....
Female 31 , Mumbai
18 38 Mins Ago
Need details for ESWT for Plantar fasciitis treatment at Bangalore.
I am suffering from Plantar fasciitis from last 5 months. I would like to under...
Female 51 , Bangalore
20 40 Mins Ago
Advice me for EWST therapy at Bangalore.
i am suffering from heel pain-spur [planter facities] since 1year along with me...
Female 51 , Bangalore
43 1 Day Ago

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