Best Surgeon for Haemorrhoidectomy (Piles Surgery) procedure in Amravati

Doctors conducting HAEMORRHOIDECTOMY (PILES SURGERY) belong to following departments: GENERAL SURGERY
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Haemorrhoids or piles are swollen, painful and often inflamed veins in the lower portion of rectum and anus. They may be of internal or external types. There are minimally invasive options like Rubber band ligation (a special rubber band is placed around the base of the haemorrhoid cutting off circulation, causing the hemorrhoid to shrink), Sclerotherapy (a chemical solution is injected into the blood vessel to shrink the haemorrhoid) and Infrared/Laser coagulation (heat is used to shrink the haemorrhoid), which are tried first. If not helpful, surgical removal of hemorrhoids (Haemorrhoidectomy) is advised. It is generally required in patients with third or fourth degree haemorrhoids. This procedure is performed by a General Surgeon.

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I am 33 years old female, want to undergo surgery for haemorrhoids
Hi, I am 33 years old, female, married and have a child aged 4 years (LSCS del...
Female 33 , Bangalore
01 21 Mins Ago
What therapy or treatment should I go for piles?
I have internal n external piles I m having excessive bleeding whenever I go ...
Male 21 , Jaipur
06 26 Mins Ago
Suggest good doctor for piles treatment at Dehradun.
Gd morning... I m looking for a good piles treatment for my mother, she is hav...
Female 72 , Dehradun
19 39 Mins Ago
Can you suggest any good surgeon in Chennai for Internal hemorrhoids treatment?
I am 36 years old male. Bleeding last 5 days while going motion. I have taken ...
Male 36 , Chennai
21 41 Mins Ago
Need good doctors For Internal and External Piles in Mumbai.
For Internal and External Piles..Pls tell which surgery is good.if then how man...
Male 28 , Coimbatore
23 43 Mins Ago

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