Best Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon for Surgery For Avm (Arteriovenous Malformations) procedure in Faridabad

Doctors conducting SURGERY FOR AVM (ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS) belong to following departments: Cardio-thoracic and Vascular surgery
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Will AV malformation in uterus be any problem in pregnancy?
I have a AV malformation that located in left side of my uterus. Is it a proble...
Female 25 , Ramnad
00 20 Mins Ago
Suggest Radio surgery or Embolisation or Surgical Removal of AVM.
Hi sir, I have AVM Problem in right side of brain. I have completed my DSA ...
Male 26 , Cuddapah
18 38 Mins Ago
Need advice for operation of AV malformation problem.
I am 31 year old suffering from av malformation on left ear and back of head n...
Male 31 , Udaipur
24 44 Mins Ago
Want to know more about Gamma knife radiosurgery for AVM.
Hello doctor I was suffering from AVM. So I underwent for Gamma knife radiosur...
Female 39 , Gulbarga
56 2 Day Ago

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