Best ENTs for Septoplasty near Bhonri, in Bhopal

  • S. P. DUBEY

    Specialisation:- E.N.T (Ear, Nose And Throat),

    MBBS, MS, ,

    Chirayu Health & Medicare, Bhopal

    Recent Patients Queries for ENTs

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    Pl suggest best treatment and best hospital and best technology for Septoplasty.
    My wife (42 years) has been advised septoplasty surgery from ENT specialist .......
    23 Mins Ago
    Need the cost for nose surgery to stop nosebleed.
    Sir , I'm having nose bleeding since my childhood & went to cmc for the check ......
    36 Mins Ago
    Provide me with all the details related to deviated septum correction surgery.
    Query: Hi, I am 29 yrs old and is suffering from Deviated Nasal Septum. It dis......
    41 Mins Ago
    Looking for information for deviated septum correction surgery at Apollo hospital delhi
    Need deviated septum correction sinus surgery (e.n.t- septoplasty) . Pl give de......
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    Can septoplasty procedure cure migraine and nasal chocking?
    Can septoplasty procedure cure migraine? I get migraine attacks during the star......
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