Best Gastroenterologist For CROHNS DISEASE in SHIMLA

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Crohn`s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causing chronic soreness and inflammation, mostly of the intestines, however it can affect any portion of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. It can also cause problems outside the digestive tract. Crohn`s disease is closely related to a disease called ulcerative colitis (together, these two diseases are called inflammatory bowel disease). It can occur at any age, but it is most common between the ages of 15 and 30.

Crohns disease


The following symptoms might appear suddenly and then can subside (go in remission) on their own for weeks or years together.

  • • Chronic diarrhea
  • • Rectal bleeding
  • • Weight loss
  • • Anemia
  • • Fever
  • • Abdominal pain and tenderness (On the right side of the lower abdomen)
  • • Feeling of a mass or fullness in the lower, right abdomen
  • • Delayed development and stunted growth (in children)

Other symptoms can develop, depending on complications related to the disease.

  • • Fistula
  • • Arthritis
  • • Kidney stones
  • • Rectal fissure
  • • Gallstones
  • • Inflammation of the eyes and mouth
  • • Skin rashes or ulcers
  • • Liver disease


No specific reason for this disease has been identified. It is a condition that occurs when the body`s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue (autoimmune disorder). It is seen to run in families.


- Family history
- Physical examination
- Endoscopy (such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy)
- Blood tests-CBC, ESR, CRP, etc
- Barium X-ray
- CT scan


There is no cure for Crohn`s disease. Symptoms such as diarrhea can be controlled with medications. Dietary restrictions like avoiding foods that have a laxative effect such as fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products, drinking clear liquids frequently during the day shall go a long way in managing this disease.

In severe cases a surgical option might be considered:

You may also like to learn about:

Ulcerative colitis
Intestinal obstruction
Abdominal pain
Intestinal adhesions
Cancer colon

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