For COUGH in Kandivli,MUMBAI

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Latest Activity

Suffering from cough - What are the tests to identify the cause?
My age 30Yrs, suffering from cough disease last one month mostly 8.00 Am to 12...
Male 30 , Mathura


1 Day Ago

Kindly suggest me, What can I do for prolong cough problem?
I am suffering from cough continuously from last two months and take treatment ...
Male 27 , Delhi


21 Mins Ago

Pl help us to treat prolong cough problem.
My mother is having cough problem last 4 years. we have already consulted 6-9 d...
Female 50 ,


1 Day Ago

My 2 mths baby is having allergic cough, plz advise medication for him
My baby boy 2months old .wt 5kg.since last 7days he is suffering from cold, run...
Female 26 , Ahmedabad


1 Day Ago

Regarding regular cough at age of 43, what should I do?
Regarding regular couph at age of 43 and it will remains for long period at tha...
Male 43 , Delhi


2 Day Ago