Best Gynaecologist and Obstetrician For POLYPS UTERINE in GURUGRAM

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Latest Activity

Need to know the best treatment of Uterine polyp in Gurgaon.
I have a polyp in my uterous of size 6*5 mm and I am suffrong from urine infect...
Female 26 , Gurgaon


20 Mins Ago

Want to know the cost of best treatment for Cervical polyp in Bangalore.
How much will cost for cervical polyp treatment....
Female 27 , Bangalore


1 Day Ago

Looking for good female gyaencoligist for hysteroscopy dignosis
I have fiber polyp in my uterus.I am in need of good female doctor for her to d...
Female 30 , Dhanbad


1 Day Ago

Want to know the cost of Hysteroscopy regrading uterine polyp treatment in Delhi.
I have 1.5 cm endometrial polyp. Need a price estimate for hysteroscopy...
Female 30 , Bhiwani


38 Mins Ago

What is the cost of Hysteroscopic Polypectomy Surgery in Bhubaneswar?
what is the cost of hysteroscopic polypectomy surgery?...
Female 27 , Bhubaneswar


28 Mins Ago