For LACTATION in Sector - 14, Sonepat, Haryana,GURUGRAM

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Best Doctors from GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS DEPARTMENT in   Sector - 14, Sonepat, Haryana, GURUGRAM
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Latest Activity

How to get rid of breast duct block?
Breast feeding - How to get rid of breast duct block?...
Female 27 , Trichy


1 Day Ago

What are the possibilities of relactation of baby after 6 months?
Is there any possibilities to re lactating to my baby boy. Hence I stopped befo...
Female 26 , Coimbatore


2 Day Ago

Suggest good lactation specialist for breast feeding related query.
We have our 1 month baby but still he not doing brest feeding . he is not sucki...
Male 0.1 , Sangli


2 Day Ago

Have enquiry regarding lactation - is there any treatment to rectify flat nipple?
Difficult in breastfeeding and pain in breast after feeding. one nipple is flat...
Female 26 , Hyderabad


2 Day Ago

Suggest me lactation specialist in Coimbatore.
iI had a baby 67 days old,while feeding him am experiencing heavy pain,n my nip...
Female 28 , Coimbatore


28 Mins Ago