Best Physiotherapist For NECK PAIN in ALLEPPEY

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Need advice for treatment of Neck pain.
Neck pain in left side last 10 years . Need advice for treatment....
Male 45 , Dewas


29 Mins Ago

Remedy for neck stiffness. Suggest us.
Sir, I have stiffness in neck area for last 15 days. What is the remedy? ...
Male 48 , Amravati


2 Day Ago

i am experiencing neck and shoulder pain for the past 2 years, what can I do to treat this?
i am experiencing neck and shoulder pain from 2yrs i consulted many doctors but...
Male 25 , Chennai


36 Mins Ago

I am suffering from neck pain, what to do?
Hi Doctor, I am suffering from neck pain from last 1 month, I have been doin...
Male 30 , Noida


1 Day Ago

want to know neck joint treatment in delhi.
Is it possible to do a surgery to an old woman about 65 years old.she has got m...
Female 65 ,


38 Mins Ago