Best General Physician For BOILS in ALIGARH

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Latest Activity

I am suffering from boils(funsi), please suggest treatment
I am suffering from boils(funsi) infection on my body. fusi also occured last y...
Male 14 ,


2 Day Ago

I am suffering with a nose problem, suggest permanent solution for it
I am Suffering with a nose problems . i am having funsi on my nose . when i sho...
Male 25 , Gurgaon


37 Mins Ago

Being treated by Dr Supriya Mahajan, need further advice
Good morning Doctor, I had visited you at Kailash hospital,greater noida on 10...
Female 60 , Greater Noida


31 Mins Ago

My Son are facing problems in skin, need consultation with Dr Bhola Nayak, Paediatrician
My Son are facing problems in a phora type skine problem in nack my family Doct...
Male 32 , Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)


35 Mins Ago

I am getting boils repeatedly.Please help me understand why Im getting these & how I can correct it?
Hi, Recently I got a couple of boils on my tummy area and within a day they be...
Female 37 , Hyderabad


2 Day Ago