For THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME (TOS) in Seth Vadilal Sarabhai Hospital, , Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

Doctors who treat THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME (TOS) or similar ailments belong to following departments:
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Best Doctors from ORTHOPAEDICS DEPARTMENT in   Seth Vadilal Sarabhai Hospital, , Ahmedabad, AHMEDABAD
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Latest Activity

Suggest Cervical rib (thoracic outlet syndrome) resection specialist in Ahmedabad.
Cervical rib (thoracic outlet syndrome) resection specialist in Ahmedabad???...
Male 28 , Ahmedabad


1 Day Ago

Looking for best treatment for TOS at Pune or Mumbai
I m a 22 yr old female residing in Pune I've been suffering from TOS since 8 m...
Female 22 , Pune


2 Day Ago

Suggest Best surgeon for thoracic outlet syndrome in kerala.
Suggest Best surgeon for thoracic outlet syndrome in kerala....
Female 25 , Palakkad


1 Day Ago

What do you suggest for my pain and numbness problem?
Since 4 months suffer from finger numbness . Arm pain..shoulder n neck pain.. M...
Female 32 , Pune


2 Day Ago

Thoracic outlet syndrome, what to do?
Thoracic outlet syndrome surgery cost. because i am suffering with that still i...
Male 50 , Agra


2 Day Ago