For LYMPHADENOPATHY in Vishwakarma Temple, New J.K. Road, Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Vishwakarma Temple, New J.K. Road, Ahmedabad, AHMEDABAD
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Latest Activity

Pls advice me treatment for lymph nodes.
Few prominent lymph nodes largest size (1.43 ×0.33cm) are seen in supra umbili...
Female 28 , Asansol


30 Mins Ago

Need to consult the best Doctor in Delhi For lump in hip region.
I am 30 yrs female married have gaath on lower hip portion of left side after m...
Female 30 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Want to Consult the best doctor regarding Lump problem in Mumbai.
Dr. I have lump at right side of my neck and have done CT scan with following i...
Male 35 ,


2 Day Ago

Need treatment for Lymphadenopathy at Kolkata.
Sir I m 32 years old female suffering from lt sided cervical lymphadenopathy wi...
Female 32 ,


2 Day Ago

Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. Please advise treatment.
My son of 12 and half years, in CT Scan, has been detected with multiple enlarg...
Male 12 , Ghaziabad


2 Day Ago