For SHINGLES in Saraspur , Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

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Best Doctors from DERMATOLOGY/SKIN DEPARTMENT in   Saraspur , Ahmedabad, AHMEDABAD
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Can anyone suggest best treatment for shingles at Hyderabad?
My Mother had Shingles on face a year ago, since then the pain persists despite...
Male 68 , Hyderabad


2 Day Ago

Want to Consult the best Skin Specialist in Nagpur.
Hello Docter, My mother is starting suffering from red shingles.she went to...
Female 49 , Hyderabad


1 Day Ago

Looking for shingles disease treatment at Patna.
My mother is suffering from shingles disease. It is spread over whole body....
Female 55 , Patna


1 Day Ago