For NERVE PALSY in Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune , Maharashtra , India,PUNE

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Latest Activity

Need second opinion for surgery for nerve palsy for my son.
My son was diagnosed with Torticollis at 4 months after an MRI (Thickness in th...
Female 3 , Chennai


32 Mins Ago

Want to know the cost of tendon transplant surgery in Vellore.
Radial nerve palsey Cost of tendon transplantation surgery of right wrist...
Male 16 , Varanasi


2 Day Ago

My mother is suffering from sixth nerve palsy.Suggest best treatment /doctors available
My mother is suffering from sixth nerve palsy suggest me the best treatment ava...
Female 42 , Berhampur (Orissa)


39 Mins Ago

facial deecompression-need details
Please suggest the time frame for treatment-facial deecompression...
Male 55 , Delhi


1 Day Ago

iam having tingling feeling need treatment
iam having tingling feeling in hand and feet...very sensitive towards cold and ...
Male 29 , Coimbatore


2 Day Ago