For CALCIFICATION in Desai Road, Mumbai,MUMBAI

Doctors who treat CALCIFICATION or similar ailments belong to following departments:
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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Desai Road, Mumbai, MUMBAI
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Latest Activity

Need To Consult the best Doctor for Aortic calcification in Mumbai.
Need To Consult the best Doctor for Aortic calcification treatment in Mumbai, p...
Female 45 , Mumbai


1 Day Ago

Need advice for valve repair or replacement at Chennai.
Aortic valave : Calcific with restricted opening. Mild left ventrcular hypertr...
Male 67 , Chennai


1 Day Ago

Appointment of Dr.K Ramachandran for 21st dec in chennai
Appointment of Dr.K Ramachandran for 21st December 2012 required for my baby ...
Female 02 , Kolkata


1 Day Ago

Is calcification in lungs a serious problem? What should I do?
I was recently declared unfit to go to the middle east on employment since i wa...
Male 25 , Thane


2 Day Ago

stone in liver - doesnot want to under operation. can it be cured with medicine????
Hi, My father age is 58 years. 4 months back he has been diagonised with stone...
Male 58 , Patna


39 Mins Ago