For PHARYNGITIS in Shivsagar Co. Op, Shivpuri Road,MUMBAI

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Best Doctors from E.N.T (EAR, NOSE AND THROAT) DEPARTMENT in   Shivsagar Co. Op, Shivpuri Road, MUMBAI
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What is the effective treatment for pharyngitis?
I am suffering from PHARYNGITIS. Since last 5 days, There is some irritation o...
Male 20 , Agartala


22 Mins Ago

Suffering from Pharyngitis - Whom to consult at Ahmedabad?
My father is currently suffering from a disease pharynx /senjitus, What should ...
Male 55 , Udaipur


2 Day Ago

Recommend me good doctor for pharyngitis at Kolkata.
I got infected with cold and cough with high fever. There was a bad throat pain...
Male 25 , Kolkata


2 Day Ago