For HYPERSALIVATION/SIALORRHEA in Mohan Terrace, 64/22, Modi Street, Fort,Mumbai,MUMBAI

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Best Doctors from E.N.T (EAR, NOSE AND THROAT) DEPARTMENT in   Mohan Terrace, 64/22, Modi Street, Fort,Mumbai, MUMBAI
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Latest Activity

Pls share your treatment experience for hypersalivation.
I was diagnosed with Ibs and that is still there , however off late I've develo...
Male 40 , Delhi


1 Day Ago

Suggest best doctor for hyper salivation problem at Pune.
My mom has hyper salivation problem from last 6 years. Its increasing day by da...
Female 51 , Pune


2 Day Ago

What is the treatment for Hypersalivation problem?
Suffering from Hypersalivation problem, since last 8 days. I am a diabetic pati...
Male 50 , Mumbai


33 Mins Ago

Whom to consult for Hypersalivation problem at Hyderabad?
Hi, I have a very bad Drooling/ Hypersalivation problem and suffering from it ...
Female 34 , Hyderabad


1 Day Ago

Suggest me doctor for hypersalvation in Delhi.
I've IBS too n now excessive non stop salivation. Which doctor to see in Delhi...
Male 40 , Delhi


1 Day Ago