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HUS is a disease that destroys red blood cells (hemolytic anemia) and platelets (thrombocytopenia) and is the most common cause of sudden, short-term—acute—kidney failure in children.


Most cases of HUS happen after someone has become infected with E. coli.(Escherichia coli) bacterium. It is a common germ that people and many animals normally have in their digestive tract. E.Coli is found in foods like meat, dairy products, and juice when they are contaminated. Some people have contracted HUS after swimming in pools or lakes contaminated with feces. Certain strains of E. coli can cause severe abdominal cramps and bloody diarrhea or other problems. Most kids recover from this in 3-4 days and do not develop HUS. In the case of HUS these strains of E. coli produce a poison that damages the lining of blood vessels. As red blood cells travel through the damaged vessels, they are often destroyed.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome


Anyone can get affected with this disease however small kids and older adults are more susceptible to this. Symptoms of HUS usually appear 5 to 10 days after the diarrhea starts. At this stage some of the following symptoms start getting visible:

  • • Fatigue & irritability in kids.
  • • Pale skin.
  • • Unexplained bruising or bleeding due to low platelet counts.
  • • Swelling of the face, hands, feet or any other part of the body.
  • • Decreased urination


- Physical examination (liver or spleen swelling).
- Blood sample to see if the red blood cells are misshapen.
- Blood clotting tests (PT and PTT) will be affected due to reduced platelet counts.
- Stool culture might come positive for certain kinds of E.coli bacteria.


Treatment revolves around 3 things:

- Maintaining normal salt and water levels in the body - to ease immediate symptoms and preventing further problems.

- Transfusion of red blood cells / platelets delivered through an intravenous, or IV, tube.

- In severe cases, several sessions of dialysis, may be required to temporarily take over the kidney`s job of filtering wastes and extra fluid from the blood.

Some children may sustain significant kidney damage that slowly develops into permanent kidney failure and will then require long-term dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Some studies suggest that limiting protein in the child`s diet and treating high blood pressure with a medicine from a class of drugs called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors helps delay or prevent the onset of permanent kidney failure. Most children recover completely with no long-term consequences.

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Anemia Hemolytic
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