Best General Physician For HEALTH CHECK UP in JALANDHAR

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Latest Activity

Need a checkup post bypss surgery at Vellore. Please help
Dear Sir, Since I had bypass surgery by Feb ‘15 at CMC Vellore. Now we need ap...
Female 50 , Vellore


1 Day Ago

Need to Get the full body check up done in Delhi.
I want to go for my full body checkup including LFT, KFT, Lipid Profile, Blood ...
Male 39 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Need to know the best Hospital for Prostate hernia and eye check up in Hyderabad.
My parents treatment Father (69):1)Prostate checkup 2)Eye check up Mother(65...
Female 65 , Hyderabad


21 Mins Ago

From Kenya - want to visit India for Medical examination. Provide Details of health checkup packages
Hi. I am a citizen and resident of Kenya and after referral l would wish to vis...
Male 42 ,


1 Day Ago

Suggest best hospital for health checkup at Hubli.
i would like to bring my wife for full body check up. so let me know the cost a...
Female 54 , Hubli


1 Day Ago