For CARTILAGE DISORDERS in National Institute of Medical Sciences , Jaipur , Rajasthan,JAIPUR

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Latest Activity

Looking for appointment of Dr.H.U.Nagar for Cartilage treatment
i have cartilage(grade-1) problem in left knee, i want to take appointment. so ...
Female 27 , Delhi


1 Day Ago

Need details about Ozone therapy for worn out cartilage of both the knees.
ozone therapy for worn out cartaliage in both knees as well as duration of trea...
Male 65 ,


2 Day Ago

Suffering from Wrist TFC, What is the solution?
Dear sir, Ive recognised wid wrist tfc in my right hand for more than 3 months....
Female 34 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Knee pain, MRI showing cartillage damage
Knee pain MRI showing cartillage damage at backside but pain is in fron side of...
Male 31 , Delhi


2 Day Ago