Best Endocrine Surgeon For THYROID NODULE in GUWAHATI

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The thyroid is a small gland located at the base of throat (near Adam`s apple) that regulates body functions such as heart rate, temperature, metabolism and the rate at which the body burns calories.

A thyroid nodule is an abnormal growth (lump) of thyroid cells within the thyroid gland. It may be single or multiple. More than 90% of all thyroid nodules are benign (non-cancerous). Some are actually cysts filled with fluid.

Thyroid Nodule


Most nodules do not cause any symptoms, however in case of a large nodule it can press against other structures in the neck, causing symptoms such as:

  • • Hoarseness in voice
  • • Goitre
  • • Problems in swallowing / breathing
  • • Pain in neck

Nodules which can produce thyroid hormones cause symptoms related to overactive thyroid glands, such as:
Rapid unintended weight loss, feelings of nervousness or irregular heartbeat.

In case of Hashimoto`s disease it causes symptoms similar to underactive thyroid gland such as:
Weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, intolerance to cold.


Sometimes thyroid tissue begins to grow, causing one or more nodules to form. The reason why this happens is unknown. Almost 10% of adults will develop thyroid nodules in their lifetime. They are more common in women than in men. They also tend to run in families. Less than 5% of nodules are found to be cancerous (malignant). The other possible causes are Hashimoto`s disease and lack of iron in diet.


- Physical examination
- Thyroid Scan
- Fine needle aspiration biopsy
- Thyroid ultrasound


The treatment plan varies depending upon the symptoms observed.

In small benign (non cancerous) nodules, watchful waiting may be advised, to be followed with checkups every 6 months to monitor the growth of the nodule. As long as the nodule does not grow, there`s usually no need to worry.

Other forms of treatment include taking hormones or radioactive iodine to shrink the nodules or injecting the nodules with ethyl alcohol (ethanol) to shrink the nodules.

If a nodule is cancerous or grows despite hormone treatment, surgery to remove all or part of thyroid gland (Thyroidectomy) may be needed.

You may also like to learn about:

Thyroid cancer
Parathyroid disorders
Hashimotos thyroiditis

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