For LOW BLOOD PRESSURE in Shri Ganesh Appartments,sector-56, gurgaon,GURUGRAM

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Best Doctors from GENERAL PRACTITIONER DEPARTMENT in   Shri Ganesh Appartments,sector-56, gurgaon, GURUGRAM
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Latest Activity

Need opinion for treatment for low BP and loss of appetite.
Hi I have lost weight recently (roughly 10Kg in about a month) accompanied wit...
Male 58 ,


1 Day Ago

What to do for low BP problem?
Hi doctor , My father yesterday BP was low at 97 and he is feeling very tired ...
Male 70 , Gwalior


27 Mins Ago

Need best advice for chest pain in diabetic, low BP patient.
My mother is a heart patient had open heart surgery in 2005 at AIIMS Delhi. Si...
Female 74 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Frequently catching cold, is it due to low blood pressure?
Hi , I am taking ATEN D , Coversyl 2mg for past 8 yrs for hypertension , In pa...
Male 38 , Bangalore


1 Day Ago

Feeling like symptoms of low sugar and low pressure. Need advice.
Hello Dr, I am a 35 year old female. My weight is 42 kg and my height is 155...
Female 35 , Ghaziabad


33 Mins Ago