For NEUROLOGIC DISEASES in Krishna Park, Kiyandpur, New Delhi,DELHI

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Krishna Park, Kiyandpur, New Delhi, DELHI
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Latest Activity

Need advice for neurologic disease related to memory loss.
my Father age 63(approx), frequently memory loss, daily routine work also frequ...
Male 63 , Bhubaneswar


1 Day Ago

Suggest treatment for age related neurologic disease.
Not able to speak properly, not able to walk properly. Suggest treatment....
Female 60 , Kathua


28 Mins Ago

Suffering from some kind of neurologic disease.
Neck, head, & arm problem. Suffering from some kind of neurologic disease....
Male 31 , Anantnag


28 Mins Ago

Need remedy for pain in head, shoulder and back arm.
I am having pain from last 20 days and vertigo. Now vertigo got treated but sti...
Female 35 , Srinagar


38 Mins Ago

Need to consult Dr.Sushil Razdan for High blood pressure.
Suffering from High blood pressure and neurologic problem. Need to consult Dr.S...
Male 69 , Jammu


2 Day Ago