For POTT SPINE in Gayathri Nagar,BANGALORE

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Best Doctors from GENERAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT in   Gayathri Nagar, BANGALORE
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Looking for doctor for pott spine medicine management at Lucknow.
My Mother is 62 suffering from potts spine. Bed ridden from past 4 months. On M...
Female 62 , Lucknow


1 Day Ago

I am under medication for Pott Spine disease, please suggest best doctor at Gurgaon
Dear Dr. I am under medication for Potts spine disease .There is lot of aller...
Male 59 , Gurgaon


30 Mins Ago

Kindly advise the right line of treatment for Pott Spine. Looking for treatment in Delhi NCR.
Hi, my Dad has been detected with Potts Spine recently. He has been bed-ridden ...
Male 67 , Noida


1 Day Ago

my mother is suffering from pott tb, we need a best doctor for this problm in chandigarh / panchkula
my mother is suffering from pott tb, we need a best doctor for this problem in ...
Female 58 , Panchkula


33 Mins Ago

My father is suffering from Pott spine, under treatment. what should be the next course of action???
my 67 yrs old father is a known case of Potts spine diagnosed in jan this year ...
Male 67 ,


2 Day Ago