For JOINT DISORDERS in Civil Hospital Campus , Asarva , Ahmedabad,AHMEDABAD

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Latest Activity

What is the cost of replacement of both knees?
cost of replacement of both knees what kind of replacement knee is i.e. steel...
Female 63 , Delhi


2 Day Ago

Post HTO - what are the chances for knee replacement success?
After HTO at age of 50 ,what chances r there for knee replacement. ...
Male 50 , Mumbai


2 Day Ago

Want to consult the best orthopaedecian regarding cyst and joint problem in jaipur.
A Cyst of size 11X14X14 mm is seen in region of anterior horn of lateral menisc...
Female 29 , Ajmer


34 Mins Ago

Which is the best hospital in Vijayawada for knee replacement?
Hi Doctor I am 61 Yrs old and Doctors advised me to go for replacement my righ...
Male 61 , Vijayawada


31 Mins Ago

Need second opinion for re-TKR surgery at Mumbai.
Has been advised a revision TKR for reason being Latual shift, tibial component...
Female 69 , Bhopal


2 Day Ago