Best Doctor for Malocclusion/Underbite in Katihar

Doctors who treat Malocclusion/Underbite or similar ailments belong to following departments:
Oral and Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental
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Some of the Best Doctors for Malocclusion/Underbite in Katihar

Recent patient queries for Malocclusion/Underbite

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what is the cost of fitting teeth braces
Hello, .. My query is related to the cost of having teeth braces... Can you te...
Male 19 Delhi
25 1 Day Ago
What is the price of dental braces in Imphal?
I want to fix my Teeth which is not regular and there is gap between teeth. Wha...
Male 32 Imphal
00 20 Mins Ago
Have irregular/mis-aligned teeth - looking for a solution to fix my smile.
Hello all. I am a 32 year male with quite irregular/mis-aligned teeth. So, am l...
Male 32 Bangalore
16 36 Mins Ago
What is the cost of orthognathic surgery?
what is the total cost of orthognathic surgery......
Male 21 Kanpur
14 34 Mins Ago

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