Best Doctor for Malocclusion/Underbite in Karim Nagar

Doctors who treat Malocclusion/Underbite or similar ailments belong to following departments:
Oral and Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental
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Recent patient queries for Malocclusion/Underbite

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Can braces make my teeth straight?
What is the cost of braces??? Really can I make my teeth straight???...
Female 22 Guwahati
26 1 Day Ago
I want to know that which is the best place to get braces
I want to know that which is the best place to get braces at most economic rate...
Female 22 Delhi
21 1 Day Ago
I wish to go for i-braces(lingual braces) treatment, please provide the details
I wish to go for i-braces(lingual braces) treatment. Can u please provide me th...
Female 26 Gurgaon
17 37 Mins Ago
i want to know the cost for braces for my son
I want to know the cost for braces for my son kindly tell me at the earliest...
Male 16 Delhi
40 2 Day Ago

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