For KYPHOSIS in M.V.P. Colony , Vishakhapattanam , Andhra Pradesh,VISAKHAPATNAM

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Best Doctors from NEUROSURGERY DEPARTMENT in   M.V.P. Colony , Vishakhapattanam , Andhra Pradesh, VISAKHAPATNAM
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Latest Activity

Can we treat hyperkyphosis by simply exercising?
Can we treat hyperkyphosis by simply exercising? & if yes what are those exerci...
Female 18 , Latur


37 Mins Ago

Spine deformity - can it cured permanently?
How do you diagonals or detect scoliosis or kyphosis or any other form of curvi...
Male 67 , Gorakhpur


2 Day Ago

i have a kyphoscoliosis deformity with 55 degree curve
i have a kyphoscoliosis deformity with 55 degree curve ...
Male 20 , Agra


36 Mins Ago

Suffering from cervicoddorsal kyphosis. Looking for treatment in India.
multiplanar and multiecho imaging done through cervicoddorsal spin FINDINGS . ...
Female 28 ,


1 Day Ago

Urgent appointment with Dr Bhojrah Shekhar for a Kyphosis patient
urgently require an appointment with Dr Bhojraj as patient is critical age of...
Male 76 , Mumbai


2 Day Ago