Best Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon For EBSTEIN ANOMALY in TIRUPATI

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Latest Activity

Is marraige possible for Ebstein anomaly patients?
Ebstein anomaly patient marriage possible or not. any treatment - please advic...
Male 33 , Baripada


1 Day Ago

Want to know the cost of Ebstein Anomaly repair treatment in Hyderabad.
Please can we do repair for cardiac ebstein anomaly for a girl her age 15 years...
Female 15 , Hyderabad


32 Mins Ago

Hi,I wanted to do TOF(Ebstein anomaly) for my mother, how much would it cost?
Hi, I wanted to do TOF(Ebstein Anomaly) for my mom who is 50 years old. I wa...
Female 50 , Ahmedabad


1 Day Ago

Give me advice for treatment of ebstein anomaly at Hyderabad.
Dear sir, My daughter is suffering from ebstein anamoly she is two days...
Female .02 , Hyderabad


1 Day Ago

Can I be normal after ebstein anomaly repair surgery?
What will be condition after ebstein anomaly surjery. can i normal after this ?...
Male 32 , Ghaziabad


2 Day Ago