Best Gynaecologist and Obstetrician For DYSPLASIA, CERVIX in SOLAPUR

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Appointment for treatment of Dysplasia of Cervix
she is suffering from severe dysplasia of cervix ,gynae problem.and she has bee...
Female 25 , Gangtok


1 Day Ago

Where can I get the best treatment for C1N1 at Kolkata?
I am suffering CIN1 , can best treatment in peerless hospital at kolkata...
Female 30 ,


2 Day Ago

Suffering with chronic cervicitis, advised for hysterectomy - What to do?
My friend is diagnosed with chronic cervicitis at jammu. Biopsy report shows mi...
Female 38 , Ghaziabad


2 Day Ago

Looking for consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology for moderate dysplasia treatment...
Female 43 , Jaipur


1 Day Ago