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The inflammation of the bladder, especially, that of the bladder wall, is known as Cystitis. The inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection and it is referred to as urinary tract infection (UTI).

Cystitis often occurs when the urethra and bladder, which, otherwise, remain microbe-free, get infected with bacteria. The area becomes sensitive and inflamed. This is a common type of UTI, more common in females than males, and is not much of a cause for serious concern than a nuisance. Mild infection usually gets better by itself within a few days. But in some cases, people experience episodes of cystitis recurrently and may require long-term regular treatment. There is also a risk of serious kidney infection that cystitis could lead to. Therefore, seeking medical advice is pertinent.

Though rare, radiation therapy or potential irritants, such as feminine hygiene spray, etc. or long-term use of a catheter, or a reaction to certain medicines, may also cause cystitis.



  • • Low-grade fever
  • • A strong, persistent urge to urinate
  • • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  • • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • • Passing strong-smelling cloudy urine
  • • Pelvic discomfort
  • • A burning sensation when urinating
  • • A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen


• There is a higher occurrence of cystitis among women who use the diaphragm for contraception, compared to sexually active women who do not.
• During insertion of a tampon there is a risk of bacteria entering through the urethra.
• Those who do not empty their bladder completely, create an environment for bacteria to multiply in the bladder. This is quite common among men whose prostates are enlarged and women who are pregnant.
• Damage to the area may also be caused when a urinary catheter is changed.
• There is a higher risk of bacteria entering through the urethra among sexually active women.
• Part of the urinary system might be blocked.
• Other bladder or kidney related problems.
• Physical damage or bruising, due to frequent and/or vigorous sex makes the likelihood of cystitis developing higher.
• Women produce less mucus in the vaginal area during the menopause. Due to lack of enough mucus the bacteria keep on multiplying. Compared to menopausal women not on HRT (hormone replacement therapy), women on HRT have a lower risk of developing cystitis.
• As the levels of estrogen drop during the menopause, the lining of a woman`s urethra gets thinner which, in turn, increases the chances of infection and damage.
• There is a higher risk of bacteria entering the urethra from the anus especially among women because their urethral opening is much nearer the anus than a men`s.


- Clinical Evaluation
- Cystoscopy
- Imaging tests
- Urine analysis


Antibiotics are used to treat Cystitis caused by bacterial infection. The type of drug to be used and for how long depend on the bacteria found in urine and overall health. Treatment for noninfectious cystitis depends on the underlying cause.

• First-time infection. With antibiotic treatment, symptoms often improve significantly within a day or two but the antibiotics may have to be taken for three days to a week, depending upon how severe the infection is.
• Repeat infection. In case of recurrent UTIs, longer antibiotic treatment or the patient should visit urologist or nephrologist to confirm whether the infection is being caused by some urologic abnormalities.
• Hospital-acquired infection. The treatment of hospital-acquired bladder infections can be slightly difficult because bacteria found in hospitals are often resistant to the common types of antibiotics used to treat community - acquired bladder infections. Different types of antibiotics and different treatment approaches may be required in those cases.

You may also like to learn about:

Urinary tract infections
Interstitial cystitis
Bladder diseases
Bladder Stones/calculi

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