For MALOCCLUSION/UNDERBITE in Triveni Nagar Choraha, Goplapura,JAIPUR

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Latest Activity

Need treatment for lip bite problem at Chennai.
I am 20 years old. I have lip bite problem from my birth date . I want surgery ...
Female 20 ,


1 Day Ago

How much cost will Teeth implant need in Delhi?
Hello sir my teeth is unline I want teeth implant so I want know how much cost ...
Female 16 , Delhi


27 Mins Ago

Need to get a teeth reposition using braces - suggest good doctor.
Need to get a teeth repositioned using braces. Current position is oblique.. ha...
Male 24 , Panchkula


2 Day Ago

I have an underbite situation,advised surgery
I have an underbite situation, as per my consultation with an orthodentist he s...
Male 23 , Pune


23 Mins Ago

Can braces make my teeth straight?
What is the cost of braces??? Really can I make my teeth straight???...
Female 22 , Guwahati


1 Day Ago