Best Gynaecologist and Obstetrician For PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE (PID) in INDORE

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Latest Activity

Suffering from PID. Need best treatment advice.
Pain in back and abnormal vaginal discharge. Suffering from PID. Need best trea...
Female 42 , Guntur


35 Mins Ago

Need best treatment advice for PID and plan for pregnancy.
Hi mam I had ectopic pregnancy and my right tube got bursted in the month of...
Male 28 , Hyderabad


2 Day Ago

Suggest best doctor for PID at Delhi.
I think i have PID, I need a best doctor in delhi for its treatment,, as m unde...
Female 31 , Delhi


34 Mins Ago

Is there any treatment for pid desease?
Is there any treatment for pid desease...
Female 22 , Abohar


2 Day Ago

I think I have PID.Where can I get the treatment done?
Hi, I think I have PID since I have vaginal discharge and lower pelvic pain for...
Female 22 , Kolar


39 Mins Ago