Dr. Manoj Sharma, Consultant of Rockland Division of Radiology holds 12 years of experience. He specializes in performing & interpreting complex ‘non-invasive imaging. Dr. Manoj has worked in various branches of Radio Diagnosis with a clinical experience of interventional procedures including FNAC, Biopsy, and percutaneous nephrostomy, percutaneous biliary drainage, percutaneous pancreatic drainage, Liver Abscess Drainage, Hydatid Cyst Management, Pleural and Ascites Tapping, USG guided Joint Injections. He was working as a Consultant Max Hospitals, New Delhi before taking up the current assignment at Rockland Hospital. Dr. Sharma is academically active and provides training and expert assistance to DNB residents, training Nurse& Technicians. His clinical expertise lies in MRI Scan, CT scan, PET/CT Scan, Ultrasound, Color Doppler, X- rays, Mammography and various interventional procedures. He has been actively participating in daily morning teaching sessions and evening case discussions at Max Health Care Saket, New Delhi.
Previous Experience:
Senior Resident – Indrprastha Apollo Hospitals, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi
Attending Consultant – Max Superspeaciality Hospitals, Saket, New Delhi
Associate Consultant, Max Superspeaciality Hospitals, Saket, New Delhi
Consultant in Max Super specialty Hospitals, Saket, New Delhi